Yes, I laugh a lot, cried a lot, love a lot, hate a lot, bitch a lot, complained a lot, joke a lot, yet only write a small portion of it. Oh well.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Indonesia Unite

Unity, is something that we Indonesians always long for, yet we never thought that it would take such horrible atrocity to unite and bonded our hearts. The Jakarta bombings last Friday has woken us up after years of peace and bomb-free neighborhood.

I myself never could understand why there are people who hate this beautiful country, so hateful that they unleash such terrors, over, over and over again.

This country is too beautiful to hate, too precious to be left behind.
Right or wrong my country, this is my Indonesia.

We gain our freedom trough countless battles, our forefathers shed blood, sweat and tears to proclaim independence, unlike some country that has being given freedom in a silver platter.

Long before the Japanese claimed they invented Tempeh, people in various kampongs across Indonesia create Tempe on a daily basis. Not to mention the Batik, the Keris, and hundreds of other cultural treasures to be explored.

We survived 3,5 centuries of imperialism, 3.5 years of famine,and 32 years of political oppression. We are one tough country to beat, so yes we are certainly NOT AFRAID.



Anonymous Me on the Net said...

i agree with you. We survived 3,5 centuries of imperialism, 3.5 years of famine,and 32 years of political oppression. We are one tough country to beat indeed. so we will not go down for this. we will stand still and yell to terrorism that we are not afraid!!

12:54 PM

Blogger Yosi Rahmawati said...

Bagus d mb kata2 nya,tp akan lebih bermakna dan lebih "keluar" kalo pake bhs. Indonesia..Secara lg mbahas ttg Indo kan yah..?


Salam kenal dr aq y mb..

6:41 AM

Blogger Nia Nugroho said...

thanks ya say
tapi menurut pendapatku tulisan seperti ini justru penting kalau ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris, supaya semua orang yang tidak mengerti bahasa Indonesia bisa mengerti tentang Indonesia.

Kita musti tunjukkin ke dunia bahwa kita bangsa Indonesia tidak takut dan bersatu melawan terorisme.

Oya, kalo sempet coba cek
itu semua pake bhs Inggris loh :))


8:33 PM


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