Yes, I laugh a lot, cried a lot, love a lot, hate a lot, bitch a lot, complained a lot, joke a lot, yet only write a small portion of it. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My highschool prom back in the year 2000

yup..that's me wearing gold-satin-drapperie dress. Well, waktu itu kan tahun 2000 ya, jadi tema millenium lagi in banget, dan baju yang bahannya mengkilat-kilat itu ngetrend banget. So spare me the stink-eye, dear fashion god!

Hmm, tapi muka gue make upnya yang paling ngga menor kan dibanding teman-teman gue yang lain. God, I miss them terribly.

Oya, gold dress ini mamaku yang jahit sendiri loh. Lumayan, menghemat biaya :))

FYI, i've never had any boyfriend during highschool, so i was one of the girls who didnt have a date to the prom *deep sigh*

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