Yes, I laugh a lot, cried a lot, love a lot, hate a lot, bitch a lot, complained a lot, joke a lot, yet only write a small portion of it. Oh well.

Monday, July 27, 2009

We love it when rain falls outside our room

Trickle, trickle.
Raindrops fell like icicles.

Cuddle, cuddle.
You, me, and love in the middle

In times like these, nothing can possibly go wrong. Not even the harassing sound of those who asked for our future babies. No bills can bring us down. No cockroach in our bathroom to worry us, at least for now.

This moment is for us to savor, to embrace, and to cherish. A moment to sink in the meaning of us, said the wife to the husband. Hold me close, said the husband to the wife.

Trickle, trickle.
You and me, cuddle with love in the middle.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Indonesia Unite

Unity, is something that we Indonesians always long for, yet we never thought that it would take such horrible atrocity to unite and bonded our hearts. The Jakarta bombings last Friday has woken us up after years of peace and bomb-free neighborhood.

I myself never could understand why there are people who hate this beautiful country, so hateful that they unleash such terrors, over, over and over again.

This country is too beautiful to hate, too precious to be left behind.
Right or wrong my country, this is my Indonesia.

We gain our freedom trough countless battles, our forefathers shed blood, sweat and tears to proclaim independence, unlike some country that has being given freedom in a silver platter.

Long before the Japanese claimed they invented Tempeh, people in various kampongs across Indonesia create Tempe on a daily basis. Not to mention the Batik, the Keris, and hundreds of other cultural treasures to be explored.

We survived 3,5 centuries of imperialism, 3.5 years of famine,and 32 years of political oppression. We are one tough country to beat, so yes we are certainly NOT AFRAID.


Friday, July 10, 2009

A letter to my dearest friend

you don't have to love him that much. A love like that will slowly kill you. How long must you endure the pain? A pain that will slowly destroy you.

I would love to see your smile again, your witty charm, and how your face light up when you laugh. Yes, laughter. It's something that you didn't do much often these days.

in my opinion, you don't even have to love him at all. Not because he's married to someone, or because his wife terrorized you with constant SMS or stalking you once in a while. Leave him because your love is too grand for him to cope. It is imbalance.

you are too precious for this. We all know that you can accomplish so many things.Why waste your time waiting for something we both know could not work.

don't wait for somebody new to replace him. I know you just need somebody to love you back, but you know what, to do that, you have to love yourself first.Loving yourself means that you stop hurting yourself, and this is hurtful. The whole situation is hurtful for you, so why bother?

at this moment you are wondering when will all of this ends. My answer is it will end when you value yourself enough, when you wont settle to be the second option. because you my friend, deserves to be the one, the ultimate, the first, the last, the irreplaceable.

stop wasting your time. Leave him and his battle for divorce. Love you for all you are, then learn to love again.


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Monday, July 06, 2009

I love Ickle and Lardee

This is too cute and so inspiring. Whoever made this blog, has a huge imagination and superb artistic touch to it.

Meet Ickle and Lardee,two milk tooth that comes to life. Check out their adventures HERE

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Birthday Shoe

Hadiah ulang tahun untukku dari suami tercinta: Red flat shoe with lace from Bloop.

Well, actually kado ini lebih ke shopping spree sih. Karena this past week, Acum kena Tipes, jadi musti bedrest di rumah selama 5 hari - untungnya sekarang udah baikan dan stabil suhu badannya - jadi dia belum nyiapin kado apa2. Nah pas hari minggu kemaren, dia ngasi surprise ke gue, dia bilang dia mau nganterin gue KEMANAAA AJA buat beli sepatu APAAA AJAA pilihan gue.


Jadi ada dua kado di hari ulang tahun gue:

1. Acum udah cukup sehat untuk pergi jalan2
2. Bebas milih dan beli sepatu apa aja yang gue mau!!!

Puji Tuhan, haleluya!! :))

Sebenernya sih gue bisa aja nyeret dia ke Senci atau PS buat beli sepatu branded -btw, Nine West lagi sale..hahaha - tapi karena gue mikirin keadaan dia, dan kalo dipikir2 sayang ah duitnya :P...jadinya kita pergi ke yang deket2 aja deh, Tebet Utara aja, ke distro-nya Bloop. Kebetulan gue pengen nyari flats2 yang model Moccassin gt deh.

Siangnya brangkatlah kita ke sana, Milah-milih-liat-liat-nyoba-ini-itu...akhirnya pilihan jatuh ke sepatu flat merah dengan tali-tali. Soo cute and Acum like it also :). Makaci my dear hubby, i love you *mwah*

(Top: Giordano, Necklace: forgot, i think it's from Bali, Jeans: Airplane, Shoes: Bloop)

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